Monday, March 21, 2016

First Food - one week shy of 5 months!

 Looks like Mom is more excited than Saylor! Her first food is avocado and she had no idea what to do with it. For a few minutes she just sat with the avocado in her mouth. Finally, she started pushing it around and most of it squished out onto her bib. Needless to say, she is catching on in the last week.

V-sits with Dad

 This is how Saylor hangs out - in a crunch position. Phew, babies have such strong cores!


It truly is unbelievable how our hearts can expand and pour love on such little creatures that are in most areas of normal human duties, helpless. I've experienced this this week as Saylor had her first bad cold and fever. Poor girl! We arrived home from Missouri friday evening and by Saturday night she was struggling along with a stuffy nose. Saylor woke up every 15 minutes or so from 9pm - 12 midnight when I finally decided to grab a pillow/blanket and camp out next to her crib. Around 1AM, she was having trouble falling back asleep because her poor nose was so full.

So I rocked her for the next 2.5 hours keeping her little body upright so her nose would stay clear. This did wonders and she was able to get sleep. It was a long night but we were so thankful for new days and new mercies.

We stayed home from church Sunday. A high fever hit her Sunday afternoon and then we had another rough, long night.

By this morning, her cold has run it's course and she is on the up swing. Praise God! No fever, no red watery eyes, just lots of sneezing and more snuggles.

And as I think about the last two days, I'm reminded of the beautiful calling of motherhood and the sacrifice to self it takes daily. I love being a Mom and can't wait to hear Saylor speak the word that defines who I am; MOM!

Missouri Travels

 We hit the road for Missouri where Mom had a cabi show with a new Hostess. Aunt Hannah and Uncle Klint came into town so Dad came with us for the first weekend. We were able to stay for the week while Brandon traveled to Evansville and Louisville for work.
 We have loved reading to Saylor for the past couple months and have been so entertained by how intrigued she is with all the details. It's amazing how much her little eyes move over each page taking in each color and shape. Love seeing this! Maybe we'll have a little reader on our hands someday.
 Girls day out in St. Louis!
Mom and Aunt Hannah loved playing dress up with you and snuggling you every minute they could get in.
Saylor travels so well - we are spoiled and thankful!

My Girls

 Dad loves saying "my girls" now! It is so sweet.

You rarely rolled over from your tummy to your back but then one day, you started rolling from you back to your tummy. And just like that, you're more mobile. We love it!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

4.5 months!

Saylor is such a happy girl - daily smiling and giggling. She is learning to control her arms and hands during play time. It keep us entertained as she will put something on her face and then whine for help as she has quickly forgotten her hands. She is drooling like crazy. We're expecting a tooth to pop through soon.
 Love our girl in pink! We pray daily for her personality, her heart, her relationships, her mind, and her salvation. May this little one be a Kingdom Builder.